Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Name is Ozzy

Hi Friends!  I'm Ozzy, that's the name the nice people at Chouteau Pound Pals gave me and it's the only name I really remember.  I came here almost a year ago, I was just a young buck then, I had been on this earth about 10 months.  Don't really remember my mom and dad but the Veterinarian (fancy name for Dog Doctor) says I'm probably a Labrador Retriever mixed with a Shepherd (German?  Anantolian?  She didn't specify).  Whatever my parents were, they must have been a handsome couple because look at me!
In my younger days I did have a home and I was a playful, energetic, fun loving little kid that grew more quickly in my body than I did in my mind!  One day I wandered off to explore the world and got lost (I'm pretty certain I left a trail of kibble to find my way home but the birds must have eaten it)!  I thought sure my family would come looking for me so I stayed in one spot for a couple of days and a stranger picked me up and brought me to the pound.  There was a trainer lady there and she watched them bring me in on a leash and said I was like a "kite on a string" (I don't know for sure what a kite is, but I think it is a paper thing that flies, so that made no sense to me because I do NOT know how to fly)!  I have since forgiven the trainer lady for that comment because she always carries tasty cookies and all I have to do to get one is SIT!!  (LOL!  People are so simple minded.)  She has also started giving me one for laying down! (Is that similar to unemployment I sometimes overhear people talking about?)  She says I am smart and I want to please. She also says I can do "stay" for a short period of time (the cookie dispenser walks away from me and I'm not supposed to follow?  Now that one blows my mind a little).  I still pull on the leash when being walked, but who wants to walk?  It's a big world out there-let's RUN!!
I'm still a kid at heart (and physically, I guess, cause I'm not even 2 yet) and I love to play with the ladies, especially the ones that are high energy like me :).  I'm not so sure about the male dogs.  Maybe if I were properly introduced and didn't feel threatened I could have a guy friend.  One night at the pound a stranger came through and opened the gates on about half of the runs, including mine.  One of the other male dogs and I got into a scuffle-truth be told-he beat me up pretty bad.  I had lots of wounds and I was really scared, it took a long time for the pain to go away and the bite marks to heal.  I really don't want to be in that position again, so until someone can show me a better way, I'm going to be the 1st to flex my muscle and hopefully scare the other tough guy into staying away from me.
The humans here at Chouteau Pound Pals think I am a great dog and all I need is a family that would take the time to exercise me physically and exercise me mentally (teach me new commands and tricks) and I will make an awesome loyal lifetime companion.  I think they are correct, so in the meantime I will run circles in my kennel to stay in shape (the humans say I'm going kennel crazy, but I've heard that when people go crazy they beat their head against the wall.  You tell me.  Running circles or beating your head against the wall-which one is CRAZY?).
I'm going to stay ready for that perfect family that wants a dog to take on runs and teach things to.   A dog that will love them unconditionally.  A dog with more try than most people they know.  A dog that will be forever grateful for their love, care and commitment.  I will be happy, faithful and protective of my forever family!  But they won't know that until they find me and give me that chance!
Spread the word, would ya?
Love you all!
P.S.  Call Nancy @ 918-706-1073 if you think you are the perfect family for me.